Jonna Ambali is famous and delicious food item even today in rural areas of the telangana state.Rural folk take Jonna Ambali with Chatni before going to agriculture fields.
The Ambali is also a nutritious food and it gives energy to the starving people. Taking Jonna Ambali has become a fashion too these days due to its nutritional value.
Jowar flour - 1 cupcurd(for curdling) - 1 table spoon
water - 2 cups
salt - to taste
1.Mix the jowar flour with curd, add 1 cup of water break all the lumps and soak this overnight. (We need to soak this so that the flour absorbs all the curd and becomes sour in taste).2.The next morning we can see water layer above getting separated from the flour. Take the water out and keep it for boil on a medium flame. You can also add little more water to it may be 1 cup again.
3.When the water is boiling add the soaked flour and keep stirring.
4.Add required amount of salt and keep stirring. Boil this for around 10 mins.
5.Add water again if required if the ambali becomes too thick. The ambali should be thick as a soup.
6. Enjoy this hot delicious drink with a scoop of thick curd on top!
Keep stirring when boiling the ambali so that there are no lumps formed.
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